By Courtney Petty
Flora High School Drama Club will continue its annual tradition of entertaining the town by beginning to work on “Into the Woods.” This musical combines characters from many Brothers Grimm stories such as Cinderella, Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood, and Jack and the Beanstalk. The tale follows a baker and his wife as they fulfill their quest to break a curse of childlessness set on them by a witch. The show is set to premiere on March 21 and continue on March 22 at 7 pm. Ticket prices are yet to be determined.
The cast includes:
Hannah Bute- Baker’s Wife
Helen Leutritz- Witch
Jamie Burrow- Cinderella
Oyuka Munkhbat- Little Red
Joanna Burrow- Rapunzel
Breann Beckham- Jack’s Mother
Keah Hartman- Cinderella’s Stepmother
Kim Heine- Lucinda
Chyanne Richardson- Florinda
Jodie Burrow- Granny/Snow White
Kenna Williams- Stewardess/ Lady in Waiting
Al Stewart- Baker
Courtney Petty- Narrator
Briano Gutierrez- Jack
Ryan Kamboures- Rapunzel’s Prince
Terri Igert/ Cheri Stewart- Giant
Malachi Raley- Mysterious Man
Blake McWilliams- Cinderella’s Prince
Casting is still open as people are still needed for the following roles:
Cinderella’s Mother
Cinderella’s Father