Throughout the late month of October, the Flora High School’s Art Club has been working diligently to compile a backdrop for the Flora Church of the Nazarene’s “Night in Bethlehem.” However, due to an unexpected sickness from the club’s supervisor, Mrs. Sloan, the project carried on into early November as they continued towards their final club meeting for the community service project, scheduled for November 14th. The participants expressed their excitement for the opportunity to release their creative freedoms and aid the local church.
In addition to the current project, the FHS Art Club is also looking forward to an annual Christmas party celebration. The function will consist of making ornaments for nursing homes, delivering them, and partying with a scavenger hunt and finger foods.
Overall, the club’s main goal for the year is to provide the students with many diverse community service opportunities, allowing them to not only advance past the graduation requirement, but granting them with the enriching experiences of helping others.