By Shelby Jones
The SADD program is led by Jordan Higgason, the Tobacco Prevention Assistant Coordinator, Lindsey Eubank, the Tobacco Prevention Coordinator, and Mr. Leib, the adviser. The program has existed nationally for a long time, but was re-established in Flora last year, along with new activities like the Smoke Simulators, and a Smokeout.
The goals are to get the students involved in local activities and alert them on public health issues in the community. High School Students will be helping with tobacco related events such as the Smokeout and Ribbon Week.
At some of the events the participants will be volunteering to assist children with coloring sheets, smoking simulators, informing adults about the benefits about smoking cessation. This program is to help students get involved in the community, build resume, gain community service hours, network with local leaders, and learn how to advocate with things they are interested in. SADD stood for Students Against Drunk Driving until the National Organization wanted to broaden its fields so the acronym is now Students Against Destructive Decisions.
SADD has many different groups with which they are involved, including The Reality Illinois Grant Program which partners with many groups in the school such as Student Council. The students will not need to travel far to participate in events. They do more local services, like painting the town Red, setting up for events, and putting up tents for AppleKnocker. Other events they are involved in are World Heart Day, Red Ribbon Week, Halloween Parade, Great American Smokeout, Tobacco Free Awareness Week, and Through with Chew Week.
SADD’s mission statement is “To provide students with the best prevention and intervention tools possible to deal with the issues of under age drinking, other drug use, impaired driving, and other destructive decisions.” According to Higgason, the statement is not necessarily pointed at the student, but said so they can spread the information to the community.
Students who join will help their community, gain service opportunities, make many valuable new contacts with individuals in our community, and enhance their college and scholarship applications.
The first meeting was held Wednesday, Sept. 17. Students can contact Jordan Higgason, Coach Leib, Haylee Jennings or Shelby Jones to join the organization.