By: Kelsey Henson and Araya Koehler
Levi Williams brought out the good again by doing another great event. In July, Williams started with a student-sponsored blood drive, beating their goal by one pint, which has not happened in a long time. Business sponsored the last coin drive.
“Let’s make a change” Williams said in the interview. After he got the idea of the coin drive, Dr. Drake had the idea of the penny war. With the approval from Mr. Pearce, the coin drive was held at lunch for 8 days and the students put pennies in the class for their can and then students can put silver in the other classes can to make their score go down.
The goal was $500 and he also predicted the school would raise $550, which means they needed make $60 everyday this week. At the end of the 8 days FHS raised a total of $882.27.
As the winning class the Seniors decided to donate the money to Clay County Cancer Crusaders. The winner of the drive also received 10 points towards Homecoming week. Because Homecoming and the coin drive were held at the same time, that brought out the competitiveness in everybody. Winning this competition gave the Seniors a big lead in Homecoming week.