By Rylee Welty
Peyton Rose and Tyler Conrad qualified for the ICASSTT state fishing tournament sponsored by Wicked Weights. To qualify for the state tournament, finishing top 10% in a tournament is required. There will be six more tournaments held to give more people a chance to qualify for state.
Rose and Conrad participated in the state tournament last year. They got 16th out of 60 and hope to get a higher placement this next tournament.
They will compete at state level on May 22 and June 4 at Lake Springfield, Springfield Il.
Rose said, “I’m excited to see how the state tournament plays out. Tyler and I fished a tournament there last summer and found a good pattern and some good spots. Hopefully, we can use the information we learned last time in our favor for the next time.”
Conrad added, “I’m really excited for the tournament and confident. I think we’re gonna do good with the experience we have on Lake Springfield and we’re only gonna get better in the time we have until the tournament.”