By: Devan
Ms. Westjohn will be taking a select group of accounting and business students to the 2018 SIU accounting challenge. FHS students have been participating in this challenge since 2005, and we have won every year except two.
This trip is an excellent opportunity for students to compete for scholarships, build problem-solving skills as a group, and get a feel for college life.
Ms. Westjohn said “The kids love to go”, and proceeded to comment on the door prizes, which are available to all who attend free of charge. Additionally SIU holds a candy jar competition, in which every attendant attempts to guess the number of a candy in a jar. Whoever guesses closest wins the jar, in addition to other arbitrary rewards.
SIU offers free donuts and pizza for breakfast and lunch, respectively. This alone draws crowds of students, hungry for both junk food and a day off!