By: Mallory Thomason
College to Lily Burkett wasn’t a big deal, as she never planned on attending. Nevertheless, she took Senior Seminar in high school and opened her eyes to the world of higher education.
Previously a Political Science major, Burkett took a History of Judaism course and absolutely fell in love with it; she is now majoring in religious studies.
To choose the best college Burkett advises, “Choose the college you want to go. Not your family. Not who is paying for it. Not friends. Choose it for YOU. You are the one getting the education from there, choose one you love. Compare academic programs, resources, and visit. Visit multiple times.”
When looking at colleges most students look at the dorm size as the first priority. Burkett says, “It doesn’t feel much different than living at home, you just have a roommate and share bathrooms.”
College is intimidating for most people because of the cost. Tuition for a good college can get pricey, and it could determine whether a person wants to go there or not. With Burkett’s financial status she received $26,454 in grants and scholarships.
Making sure the tuition is all paid for can be stressful, but on top of that, students have to remember the other fees that come along with college.
Trying to balance hours for college and work can be difficult. Burkett says she is taking 12 credit hours, (meaning she is in class for 12 hours a week). Burkett had started working at Kohl’s part-time, but they stopped working with her school hours so she has been missing some of her shifts. Burkett says “If you get a job, you make them very aware of your school schedule.”
Burkett reminds students that going to college isn’t for the partying, it’s to get a proper education. She said the abuse of addictive substances was far more common than she realized. She stresses, “Be careful, and remember you are not going to school to party. Stay away from the drugs, they aren’t worth it. Focus on academics.”
Burkett is happy where she is now, and so grateful that she considered looking at a college.