By: Emily Cox
New opportunities have arisen at FHS as an Emergency Medical Response class is available through Frontier Community College in 2017. The EMR class consists of students learning the basics of any Emergency Medical Services, such as CPR and any procedure to help keep the victim’s condition stable until the EMT arrives.
The instructor, John Cox who is a paramedic from Olney, teaches the class through Illinois Eastern Community College (IECC).
The FHS and North Clay students taking the course will also take two college credit courses; Speech and Ethics. They will be in Speech for one quarter then Ethics the next. During the course of the semester they will receive 3 semester hours for college.
Several students signed up for the EMR just for the college credits.They took the opportunity to get a headstart into college.
Senior Delaney Elliott says, “The class gives me a feel of the way college is going to be.” She is interested in the medical field so this class gives her the first step into her career.
Jayci McCraw, another student in the EMR class, feels like she is accomplishing classes now so she won’t have to do them later.